
Charles Sizemore
My good friend Al, who I mentioned earlier this week, recently became a dad for the first time at age 41. He’s brave to get started at that age. I thought I was a little on the old side when my son was born, and I was only 32. Those sleepless nights hit you a...
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At the age of 40, my friend Al really hit a sweet spot in his medical career.  He now puts close to $140,000 per year into his retirement accounts — tax-free. That might sound impossible given that the contribution limit for a 401(k) plan this year is just $19,500. But it is doable if you...
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Some things get better with age. Wine, whiskey, a properly humidified cigar… Other things… not so much. Take my knees and rotator cuffs, for example. Against all better judgment, I joined an over-40 men’s basketball league, and we had a game last night. We won… and it was a blast. But I’m really wishing I...
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The following is an excerpt from 10 High-Yield Monthly Dividend Stocks to Buy in 2020, originally published by Kiplinger’s. The typical American’s life tends to be organized around monthly payments, yet somehow, monthly dividend stocks are the exception, not the norm. Your mortgage, your car payment, your phone bill … even your Netflix payment is...
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I’ll admit I have houses on my mind these days. After seeing my friend Alan’s new home – complete with its four-car garage and Hugh Hefner grotto – my wife is bugging me to upgrade. And while I’m not crazy about taking on a major new expense, she makes valid points. Our two boys are...
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The following was originally published on InvestorPlace as part of the Best Stocks for 2020 contest. They say lightning never strikes twice. But that’s exactly what I’m betting on in InvestorPlace’s Best Stocks for 2020 contest. Four years ago, in the 2016 contest, I recommended leading midstream pipeline operator Energy Transfer (ET). It was a controversial pick, as the energy...
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When looking at low-priced stocks, how can you tell the difference between solid value stocks and the dreaded value traps? The answer: value stocks eventually recover, while value traps do not. I realize that my answer is no more useful than Will Rogers’ advice — “Buy stocks that go up; if they don’t go up,...
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I had dinner at my friend Alan’s house earlier this week. You could call it a mini-housewarming party. With a baby on the way, he and his wife decided to upgrade their house in anticipation. They’ve finally settled in, and I was their first non-family guest. It might as well be a castle. Four-car garage,...
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As we close out 2019, it’s time to look ahead to see what we can expect from the stock market over the next decade. I want to be crystal clear here… there is no perfect, foolproof stock market indicator. No one knows with any degree of accuracy what the market will do over the following...
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I read a headline this week that left me shaking my head in disapproval. In a grandiose display of high-minded social responsibility, Japan’s Government Pension Investment Fund, the world’s largest pension plan, decided to ban the shares of the stocks it owns from being borrowed by short sellers. (In order bet against a stock by...
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